QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 8th October 2018: Phrasal verbs with UP

Can you put the correct verbs in the gaps in these sentences?

1) Can you buy some more kitchen paper? I’ve ______ it all up.
2) This question is just too difficult – I ______ up!
3) Please can you ______ up your room? It’s a mess!
4) Sam was very late arriving at the party. He didn’t ______ up until 11 pm!
5) That restaurant is doing very good business. In fact, they’ve just ________ up a second restaurant in Canterbury.
6) Don’t leave your clothes on the floor! ______ them up in the wardrobe!
7) If you want to go on the school trip, please _____ up on the list on the noticeboard.
8) If you _____ up all your vegetables, you can have a pudding!


Check your answers below.

QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 01 October 2018: IDIOMS

Can you choose the correct response in each case, from a – h?

1) Don’t tell anyone – it’s a secret! 
2) How do you know about his new job?
3) What’s her brother’s name?
4) Did you catch the train?
5) I’ve got some juicy gossip for you!
6) Do you fancy a coffee? My treat.
7) Do you think our team will win the league this year?
8) It’s freezing outside, but I’ve got to do some gardening.

a) Now you’re talking!
b) I’m all ears!
c) A little bird told me.
d) Pigs might fly!
e) My lips are sealed.
f) Rather you than me.
g) Oh…it’s on the tip of my tongue!
h) Yes, but by the skin of my teeth.

Check your answers below.

QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 24th September 2018: ARTICLES

Put a/an/the/- into each gap.

1) Excuse me! Is there _____ supermarket near here?
2) I’m going to _____ supermarket. Do you want anything?
3) I go to _____ church every Sunday.
4) There’s a concert at _____ church tomorrow evening.
5) I work as _____ teacher.
6) _____ teacher told us to be quiet.
7) _____ Italian food is my favourite.
8) _____ food at that restuarant is terrible!
9) If you’re lonely, why don’t you get ____ dog?
10) _____ dog that bit me was a Rottweiler.

Answers below!


QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 17th September 2018: GRAMMAR

Some grammar for you this week!

Can you add the MISSING word in each sentence?

1) When I walking down the street, I saw my sister.

2) I lived here since I was 10 years old.

3) We were chatting to Peter, and he told he was a

4) If he doesn’t arrive soon, we go without him.

5) I have a friend lives in Rome.

Now can you remove the EXTRA word in numbers 6 – 10?

6) My brother he is a taxi driver.

7) Can you to help me?

8) I don’t know who does lives there.

9) I don’t like the spiders!

10) Do you have a time for a drink?

Answers below.


QUIZ OF THE WEEK commencing 10th September 2018: SHOPPING

Summer is officially over – but the good news is that there are lots of sales in the shops!

You can buy almost anything in a supermarket these days, but do you know the name of the specialist shops for these items or services?

Example: fish and seafood – A FISHMONGER’S

1) fruit and vegetables
2) flowers
3) meat
4) bread and cakes
5) aspirin, cough medicine, soap
6) a diamond ring or a necklace
7) a new pair of glasses or an eye test
8) a new hairstyle or hair cut
9) a massage or spray tan
10) envelopes, paper and pens

Check the answers below.


This week it’s another of our occasional quizzes on Britain.

Do you know the answer to these questions?

1) What is Ben Nevis?
2) What kind of books did Agatha Christie write?
3) What happened in 1066?
4) How many wives did Henry VIII have?
5) What is the largest city in Scotland?
6) What is the capital city of Wales?
7) Which famous female writer is on the back of the £10
8) What meat do British people traditionally eat on
Christmas Day?

Answers below.